Welcome to the JASMINE DRAGON!!!!!

Hello!!! and Welcome to my wonderful-magical blog!!!*clap*
For now my name shall be Momo, and no that is not my real name (dont ask why Momo, because i just felt like it)
Im sorry but I am a total nerd and geek and dork (yes it is posible to be all 3)
this site is for all, I do NOT make people get off my site, everyone will be treated with respect (I sound like my teacher...ewww)
well...have fun and...um...ya


"Why would you name your blog something so stupid as Jasmine Dragon" you may ask

WELL ITS NOT STUPID!!!!!!!!! (if you say that then you are stupid)

i named it that because of a TV show i watch (no im not a TV freak, i dont watch TV i go on the computer to watch the 2 or so shows i watch)
but this show is called Avatar (great show!)
in one of the last episodes my faveorite person gets his own tea shop and hes so proud of it and happy
he names the tea shop Jasmine Dragon
so i thought that was pretty cool so named my blog that

About Me

My photo
Germany (not for long)
Im a teen (not giving out age) I have been givin many names some good some bad but mostly people just call me whatever pops up in thier heads, whatever suits your fancy. yes I have my wierd moments but hang around for a long time and youll get used to it. I wont use web lingo around people who dont understand it but i can answer most of those questions like "what does lol mean" trust me i have to deal with it everyday from mostly my mother (sorry mom)it you see me in pics with my friends doing wacky poses dont be surprised, i dont hang out with people that dont do wacky things because thats what a teen is suposed to do. so thats basically me! oh but sorry about spelling...its not really my thing.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

To a Friend


Why do you shed tears

For the one that hurt you

He has no honor

And you are free

But you chose to stay in the cage

It’s your choice

But the light will set you free

Reach out and touch it

It does not burn

Release the demon inside

And take wing


oh wow, it has been almost a whole year sense the last time i posted something.
well isnt that just a downer
but im back, and hopefully ill remember to post something every now and then
but its not like anyone ever reads this stupid thing
so i guess its just something to get my emotions out...or just something to distract me...either way it gives me something to do

so its almost the end of my sophomore year!
i cant believe if peoples, im not to thrilled to be a Jr to tell you the truth
i liked my freshman year so much better, but then again i was at a different school
no this school is fine, i have great friends and so many more options here then in Germany
but i really do miss the people and places
you probably already know this from my last post from a year ago

but oh me gosh let me just tell ya
this has been probably the most stressful year of my whole life
actually probably my only stressful time in my whole life
I've just never been stressed but some how this place accomplished making me feel that way

but its somewhat my fault
when i first got here i was sulking about losing friends and ect... and i wasn't really paying attention on trying to make new friends
i was so worked up on people not liking me and how i am because lets face it, military kids understand just about anything other military kids are going through
so going to a public school scared me (no im not a wuss)
but hey things worked out because i wasnt alone
i found military brats! and non military brats that became my friends
and its pretty awesome

my first friend was Emily
we met in art class, and we sat at the same table, but we didnt talk at first because i was new and the 2 other people at the table were silent and i think Emily was shy, well thats how she acted
but i saw that she liked anime so i tried to talk about that, but she just looked at me weird and kind of walked away
but 2 weeks later, we were...doing something, i cant remember
and for the first time Emily asks me
"would you be a doll and go get me -----"
you have got to be kidding me
"did you really just call me a doll?"
was all i could say to that comment, and then we laughed and started to talk
and we have been friends ever sense

but over the summer i had ALOT of time on my hands so i wrote a story but i only got to 143 pages and then like my computer went sizzle sizzle
i know i know, im so terrible to my computers
i do believe this is my 3rd computer in 2 years
amazing, i know
but i was really sad when all of my hard work went down the energy pool
so sense then i have been trying to write more stories but none of them seem good enough to surpass the other one
so i have lost motivation
but i have written a few more poems, but they arent all that great, they are even worse then the last one i posted
but no matter, you will have to suffer because im going to post them!

so ever sense we moved i have been begging, pleading, groveling and other synonyms for sucking up to my father to get me a cat
i miss having a cat
its so unfair! whenever my brother asked for a cat, we got one
but now im asking for one and they say absolutely not
im hinting some favoritism here
but really if i cant have a cat can i at least have some fish, or even better how about some sea monkeys like i did before
except now they wont be dead sea monkeys (hey do not judge me, its exactly like having skeletons in your closet except they were sea monkey skeletons)

i find this school unfair
sure im making better grades at this school but i have the same letter grade that i did in Germany
its because this school grades on a 6 point system and Germany was a 10 point
explanation of what that is
ok 6 point
100-94=A 93-87=B.......you just go by 6
10 point
100-90=A 89-79=B....go by 10
ok get the picture?
so if im trying harder for a better grade then i got last year shouldn't i get the credit i deserve?
if i went by Germany's grading i would have all A's
but no i have 1 A and 3 B's
this is jacked up
how am i suppose to get into a good college at this rate, when they look at my grades it will say
92 B
97 A
91 B
90 B
I'm very disappointed in myself
oh and the A is in PE/Drivers ED
isn't that sad?

well this is getting too long
ill post again, if i remember

Monday, May 25, 2009


its been a long time
it feels good to be back to blogging
we folks its finally time to move
this weekend has probably been the most depressing week for a long time
yup I've filled 1 box and I'm already close to tears
this move is different from all the other ones
the last time i moved i was only 10
this time I'm in high school which makes it all the worse

this summer I'm losing basically everything
my bro, my friends, my high school, my cat
so I'm left with my parents and my dog
don't get me wrong that's great
but during a move you can only stand your parents for 5 min because their stressed and acting like drill Sargent
and my dog... well hes just there for comfort

but there is 1 good thing that's coming out of this
I'm going to see my whole family this summer
gosh i miss them so much
oh and if they are reading this then i would like to say
Brandon I'm going to push you in the pool, and I'm going to send the duck after you

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STAR TREK IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
best movie of the year so far
well i didn't get to see watchmen so.. until i see that Star Trek is still #1

in other news
I hate my french teacher
he has only put in two grades this whole semester
and they are- 1 test, and G's
ok background on G's
the G stands for his first name (i don't even know what it is)
and you get a G every time you get an answer right or pronounce something right or translate something right
anyways a passing G grade is to have 40 of them by the end of the semester
i have 62
and one day i volunteered for the special Olympics (it was very fun)
and apparently he scheduled a test on that day without telling anyone what to study or anything
so a week later (which is the week that just passed) my parents tell me to look at my grades
i had an F in french
i was freaking out because i didn't know what to do
he never puts grades in the book and hes just a lazy old man that thinks he can do anything because he has 6 doctors degrees, that he keeps bragging about
and one time when he said
"oh i have 6 doctor degrees in blah blah blah..."
i said in his face because i was annoyed
"if you have 6 doctor degrees then why are you a freaking teacher?"
oh sorry getting off topic
so like i was saying... i was freaking out like crazy
then my mom started to yell at me
and apparently she doesn't understand when i say
"I don't know why"
because she just goes on and on about like
"well what did you do and what didn't you do"
"umm i don't know mom"
"well i don't understand why you don't know, do you have missing work or something"
"i don't know mom"
"well blah blah blah..."
and that all was yelling
then later that night my dad comes up to me and starts an awkward talk
"Sam i know things are getting hard but you just gatta keep on trying... I think the problem is organization"
ya about that dad if you look at all of my folders, there probably the best looking binders in the whole school
i even have numbers on the pages to tell me were they go in my binder
so anyways
the next day i had french class (YAY!!! -cough cough-)
i went up to him and asked
"why do i have such a bad grade?"
he takes about 10min to just get the grades on his computer screen
"umm you missed a test"
I'm thinking and you didn't even bother to tell me
and my friends in that class didn't even bother to tell me
"oh and i haven't put in the G grade in either"
"well could you please do that because i almost got grounded last night because of that"
"mhm ya ill do that later"
(ya sure you will) but he did thank god

high school teachers are so fun -cough cough choke-

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Hi I'm back
but that's only the good news
well i lied
i had a great trip
now that's only the good news
now here comes the bad (i know, sorry for the people that have been having a bad day and hoping for good news today)
but the cam's batteries died so first i have to charge it then i can download the pics and post about my awesome trip to Rome

but until then i have to go to school in the morning and sense i have no homework for the next day i can blog my heart out

so see ya till then

Friday, April 3, 2009

My fans :]

my wonderful fans (the 4 of you)
I'm going to be gone for a week
so i wont be posting during spring break
but do not fret
i will post when i get back
so i will have a lot to say because I'm going to Rome and Italy and all those places :D

so i will see you in a week
have a great spring break!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

poem time

Some say love says it all
But to me that’s not the case
I have a love
But it’s not what you think
This love is pure
Only meant for the chosen
It’s the kind hearted
You may say your evil
But I see through it
I look past it
I find the good
I’m salvaging it day by day
And soon you will see the light
It will be blinding
But I’ll guide you
Because here, where I’m from
Is salvation
Do not fight it
You will fall if you fight
I offer you friendship
And it’s the greatest thing


today was a sucky day
and that doesn't happen often
so when i have a sucky day it has to be a really bad day

so hopefully all of you know that i love to tell stories and just like to be listened to (yes i know ego much)
but hey i love to listen to others too if there willing to share there news
but no one ever is in the mood to talk about stuff
so I'm always the one to talk

but today when i talked no one would listen and when i found some person that likes to hear what i have to say somebuddy came up and took him away
so that sucked

and then my friends (not saying who because they may be reading)
they acted like i didn't even exist
they started to like talk behind my back
when i came up and said hi to them they found an excuse to get away from me
so i was left in gym class with no one to talk to
and no buddy to run with (we have to run a mile every gym class)

but i had something to look forward to
seeing my mom (love that girl)
i love talking to her because she always has questions about my stories and she talks about her life stories along the way
but when i get in the car (my bro is in the car for a change) i let my bro finish what he was saying to my mom
when they were done talking i started to talk
and in mid first sentence my brother remembers something and says it
cutting me off from what i was saying (that torks me but I'm used to it)
so when we get to the store that we were going to i try to start up my story again but what happens you may ask
i get interrupted again!
so i just shut up for the rest of the time thinking "hey sense no one wants to listen i just wont say anything"

so we get home (finally)
i get some carrots from the fridge to snack on (munch munch)
and my mom asks me whats wrong
and of course i say something that I'm suppose to say
"oh just wanting a mom that will listen to what i have to say"
my bro is in the room sitting next to my mom by the computer
Bro: mom did you just hear what Sam just said
mom: hmmm... no what did she say
(at this point I'm banging my head on the freakin table)
Bro: exactly!
(bless his heart -giggle-)
mom:no what did she say!
Bro: she wishes she had a mom that listens to her
mom: OH!!!!! -laughs-

ya I'm not laughing mom
ok sorry for the crappy blog post
see ya next time

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hold up

ok peoples we gatta get something strait (as in "peoples" i mean my Friends that watch anime)
1) Kakashi is not dead
2)I claim him, he is mine!

as long as I'm around he is not dead
i do not care what the manga says he is still alive
he is just pretending to be dead so he can come back and beat some major butt

He is my fave person on that show
i am willing to look past that book that he reads
and D (if your reading)
do NOT!!!!! go to the cosplay party as Kakashi because then you would have to be my date
and that would be weird sense we are twins
and plus i would have to smack you down

ok now that i have that out I'm happy ^^